New IRS Flyer for Health Care Law Online Resources is Available

We’re passing this along from our friends at the IRS:

The Affordable Care Act, or Health Care Law, adds new health insurance coverage and financial assistance options for individuals and families. A new IRS flyer, Healthcare Law Online Resources, lists the ACA internet resources available from the IRS as well as federal agency partners including the Departments of Health & Human Services, Labor and the Small Business Administration. and have recently launched ACA-related web pages. explains how the Health Insurance Marketplace will work, what choices you will have, and how to get ready. Marketplace open enrollment begins October 1, 2013 and runs through March 31, 2014. has comprehensive Marketplace information.

The IRS administers the tax law provisions of ACA. explains the tax benefits and responsibilities for individuals, families and employers. It also provides basic information about how health insurance choices you make may affect the tax return you file in 2015.

Use the links from the Healthcare Law Online Resources Publication 5093 – as a starting point to answer your questions about ACA.