A Customer Walks Into Your Company….

A customer walks into your company and is greeted by two sales people.

Sales person A says, “We offer quality customization and professional services that provide dependable solutions to meet customer needs. From simple to complex projects and products involving a variety of materials, functions and teams, we deliver state-of-the-art quality, on-time, backed by world class customer service.”

Sales person B says, “How may I help you?”

Which sales person do you think the customer will relate to?

Yet, website after website, blog post after blog post, and newsletter after newsletter sound like they were written by sales person A. The marketing content overwhelms (or underwhelms) the customer with long lists of vague claims that could apply to any industry from space station manufacturing to organic farming. The customer, in effect, doesn’t exist.

Your customer’s most important question is “How will this company help me?” Solution-driven content differentiates your company from the competition and converts inquiries into sales.

Each month at Hannah Grimes, I offer a free one-hour analysis of marketing content, with recommendations based on 25 years of working with companies in every industry and of every size, from startup to Fortune 500. Together, we’ll figure out if your message is reaching your customer. For more information, click here or call Jillian at Hannah Grimes, (603) 352-5063.

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