The Hannah Grimes Center announced that Tim Pipp, founder and owner of Beeze Tees Screen Printing, has been named Entrepreneur of the Year for the Monadnock Region. Pipp will be presented with the Entrepreneur of the Year award and recognized at Hannah Grimes’ upcoming CONNECT 2014 Event, October 29th, 2014, at Alyson’s Orchard in Walpole.
“The mission of Hannah Grimes is to help business and the community innovate, connect, thrive and give back. Tim offers an exemplary example of all of those, and demonstrates better than most the “giving back” principle at Hannah Grimes.” said Mary Ann Kristiansen, Executive Director of the Hannah Grimes Center. “The Hannah Grimes community is filled with examples of those who give back simply because they understand that they receive. A Keene State College administrator who saw the potential in Tim, paid his tuition to our Start Up program, then to our Entrepreneur Project. Since then, Tim has grown a thriving business through hard work, great customer service, and a strong foundation in business fundamentals. He also very naturally gives back through his support of many good causes in the community. Tim is a true community wealth builder: his business success and active involvement in our region strengthens our local economy and adds to the overall quality of life in the area. Tim is very deserving of this year’s Entrepreneur of the Year award.”
Beeze Tees Screen Printing is becoming the top choice in custom screen printed and embroidered apparel and promotional items in the Keene area. Beeze Tees provides you with quality and affordable custom-made apparel. They offer competitive pricing, quick turnaround, and do not charge for screen or set up fees!
“I am excited to be a part of a community that supports new and small business,” said Pipp. “If it weren’t for this community I am not sure I would have been able to have the success I have had. I was turned onto screen printing by my college coach. After doing a lot of research and reading a lot of books, forums and magazines, I purchased some basic tools and printed a few shirts. It didn’t take long to get some business. By the time I graduated, I had a full time job.”
There are 7 employees at Beeze Tees, 3 full time staff, 3 part time and 1 intern. To fill their orders, they run two shifts in the shop beginning at 7 am and ending at 11 pm. Pipp and his crew are excited to be moving to their new Main Street location. “The move to Main Street is much needed in many ways. Our location right now is so hidden in the back of a mill building. It is very hard to find, so we are not getting business from people just walking by. We are also out of space. After this move, we will have moved 4 times in 4 years all to get more space.”
“I am honored and excited for the event and to be chosen as this year’s Entrepreneur of the Year,” exclaims Pipp. “I entered the Start-Up Program at Hannah Grimes in 2011 a few weeks after I graduated college. I was nervous at first but found that opening up in the class was very helpful. All of the resources at Hannah Grimes seemed to be geared towards people like me starting up a business.”
This year, CONNECT will feature keynote speaker Don Byrne of Metrix411. Byrne will speak on Walking Backwards into the Future – Business Disruption as a Creative Force. Pipp is also excited for the topic of the keynote address. “I am always looking for the next section of business. When I first began my business, I told myself I would only screen print. Then I had a lot of people asking about embroidery. It took a while but we started offering that as well. Over time we have adjusted to the needs of our customers. There are so many different avenues in this business where we can expand. As much as screen printing is an “ancient art”, there are more modern ways to deal with the process. I am constantly researching not only new ways of doing things but how things were done in the past.”
The event will be held Wednesday, October 29th, 2014, 5 – 8 pm, at Alyson’s Orchard in Walpole, NH. Everyone is welcome. For more information and to register, please visit $30 per person; $210 per table of 8. You may also call the Hannah Grimes Center at (603) 352-5063.
RT @HannahGrimesCtr: Beeze Tees Owner, Tim Pipp, Named Entrepreneur of the Year: The Hannah Grimes Center announced that Tim … http://t.c…
That’s awesome! Congrats Tim Pipp & Beeze Tees Screen Printing
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