Programs Director Position

A note from Mary Ann…
It is with mixed emotions that we begin advertising for the position of Program Director at Hannah Grimes. Program Director Jake Nonweiler had promised us two years when he started and somehow those two years have managed to fly by. It seems like both a lifetime and a blink of an eye that he started at Hannah Grimes. Ahead of applying to business school in the next few years, Jake plans to get one more professional experience under his belt. He has contributed greatly to the success of many small businesses, helped develop and strengthen our programs, and been a worthy ambassador to the community.

Our plan is to start with the new Program Director in March and have a three-month overlap with Jake. It is a vital role here and we are looking for a seamless transition. We look forward to working with a new member to our amazing team this spring.


The Program Director at Hannah Grimes is responsible for strategy, development and implementation of business and nonprofit programs in an entrepreneurial organization with a culture of innovation, collaboration, service, and effectiveness.

  • Primary Duties and Responsibilities
  •  Develop programs with goals and objectives that fulfill the mission of the organization and the needs of the community. Programs include but are not limited to the incubator, workshops, financing, coaching, and other one-off programs.
  • Implement programs that operate smoothly, efficiently, and effectively.
  • Market the programs via weekly newsletters, social media, and partnerships.
  • Build relationships and form partnerships with coaches, instructors and regional and statewide technical assistance providers for sharing best practices and collaborating on program delivery.
  • Create and adhere to an annual budget and operating plan to support the programs expected to be offered in the coming year.
  • Build relationships with the local business community.
  •  Collect, evaluate and communicate results of programs to document the effectiveness and impact of program activities, including a monthly board report, quarterly and annual reporting.
  • Manage program-related interns, when relevant.
  • Serve as an ambassador for Hannah Grimes and its programs in the community.

Qualifications – a wide range of variables can affect an individual’s fit for this job, but most generally the ideal Program Director will possess the following qualifications:

  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree
  • Experience: Three years’ experience in training, management, and/or business that has provided a working knowledge in areas including program development, entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, evaluation and measurement, organization and general business or nonprofit practice.
  • Skills: High proficiency in technology including Microsoft Office and other internet services.
  • License/Certification: Valid NH driver’s license and a car.
  • Work Traits: Highly organized, personable, disciplined, self-motivated, ability to efficiently interact with a wide range of personalities, confident, relationship builder, commitment to excellence and quality, hard worker, and strong written, graphic, public speaking and presentation skills.

Mission : The Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship provides the space, tools and connections that innovative entrepreneurs and businesses need to build strong businesses, thriving local economies and vibrant communities in the Monadnock Region. Vision: The people who love this closely-knit community are empowered to be the architects of its quality of life and economic destiny. Hannah Grimes offers a great learning and growth environment for a highly motivated, creative individual.

Interested applicants must send a cover letter and resume to by Noon on February 13th.   Qualified applicants will interview on February 15, 16 & 17.