This community has been the nesting place and launching pad for great minds and creative ideas since the beginning of our country’s history. How can we use this sense of pride about the work we do and the place we live to make sure we continue to have great jobs and a great place to live? Fortunately, great minds and creative ideas continue to press forward on innovative projects that will ensure a thriving local economy and vibrant community well into the future.
Historically, New England has been a haven for the creative spirit: including artists such as Winslow Homer, musicians such as Joe Perry from Aerosmith or the Apple Hill Players, and writers such as Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson and Ernest Hebert. Today, the Monadnock Region still boasts a robust artistic culture. With a large amount of conservation land, beautiful seasons, a variety of wildlife, and good people, the area is the perfect place to get the creative juices flowing.
- Focus on the strengths & needs of our region’s artists, artisans and the overall creative economy: Artist and Artisan Focus Notes March 9 2012.
- Promote events and resources to help art businesses thrive.
Monadnock Resources:
- Other Art Resources
- Artisan Focus E-Newsletters
- Art Focus Blog
- Arts Alive Artist Directory
- HCG Artisan Info Sheet
- Monthly Artist to Artist Meeting with Monadnock Arts Alive
What is going on in the region?
Collaboration and innovation are in the air with a partnership between two unlikely sectors: business and the arts. On Wednesday, February the 11th Arts and Timken joined forces to discuss ways to introduce creativity into the workplace. This gathering was the first in a string of events that will be taking place that will help define this region as a creative, innovative, culturally rich and historic place to work and live.
On June 2nd and 3rd, Arts Alive is hosting CCX, the New England Foundation for the Arts bi-annual conference on the creative economy. The conference will be a discussion of the benefits of collaboration between the art sector and non-arts sectors and will include participant’s stories and ideas on how these advantageous concepts can be implemented in our own region. Keene, the smallest region to ever host this event was selected for its model of successful cooperative relationships between the arts and other prominent sectors in the community.